Are you having a rough day?
Somebody noticed things aren't going your way, and instead of judging you, they realized that they don't know what you're going through and handed you this card in hopes of making your day less frustrating.
You are valued!
We are all worth something. Don't ever forget that!
It's easy to look at someone and think the worst of them when they're not projecting themselves in an ideal way, but we all have battles.
That mother with the screaming kid? She's not being neglectful, maybe her child has autism and is having a meltdown that was triggered for no apparent reason.
That man in the car behind you who is riding on top of you and flashing his lights isn't a speed demon with road rage, maybe he's trying to get to the hospital where his wife is having their baby.
That teenage girl in all black goth clothes with heavy eyeliner isn't a criminal or a junkie, maybe she's abused by her parents and is vying for attention.
Don't immediately think the worst in people. Instead, try to picture yourself in their shoes, or at least remind yourself that you don't know what they've got going on.
Don't stare at that mother with an angry face, smile at her or give her a reassuring look, and maybe even help her if you see her struggling with something.
Don't slow down and hold that man up. Get out of his way. Move over, let him pass.
Don't be rude to that teenager. Be extremely nice to her and maybe even tell that her a joke. She might give you attitude, but your act of kindness will absolutely affect her.
Don't judge and you won't be judged.
Show your open mindedness by being kind.
Pass on a card to someone you think needs to be noticed.
If you'd like to receive a set of cards to pass on to others, fill out the form below, and we'll be in touch with you ASAP.
A tiny fee will be required, which we will inform you of before your order is finalized. Of course, if you think the fee is too much, you may choose to opt out.